Broken PromisesThe Dispossession of Japanese Canadians


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Toshiye Hoshiko: Law

3598 Ste. Famille,
Montreal, Zone 18
Oct. 22, 1944.

Office of the Custodian, Vancouver, B. C.

Dear Mr. Anderson,

File No. 3912

I was deeply shocked and saddened to hear about the sale of the property owned by myself located at 1614 Pacific Highway, Surrey, B. C. It was my home for over twenty years. It was the work and hard work of two decades of toiling. It was where my children were born and raised. And now you tell me that the property was sold and that the balance of my credit at your office is only a mere $1340.11 and on top of that you subtract $50.00 for “legal expenses”.

Partially crippled by rheumatism, I am not able to work very hard, I am living in a miserable one room on the third floor of a dark damp house, and even for such a place I have to pay $7.50 a week or $30.00 a month. Mind you all that amount for one wretched room. Therefore I have but one reservation: If at any time in the future should the law courts of Canada or the Privy Council, London, England, decide that the property owned by British Subjects by naturalization of Japanese ancestry like myself, which were sold by the Custodian to be declared an unlawful act on part of the Custodian and that all such sales to be declared null and void upon the return of the purchase price all such property to be restored to their rightful original owners, the evacuated British subjects of Japanese origin.

I should like the full amount credited to myself (according to your figure $1340.11 minus $50.00 plus 80.00) be sent to myself and payable at par in Montreal. With this money please send me a detailed account of my account and also the property sale statement.

Among the chattels on the property I wish you would (or your representative or some other responsible person) set aside the violin and the music and send them express collect to Miss E Hoshiko, 2456 Gladstone Ave., Windsor, Ont. As soon as the chattels are liquidated, wish you would send along the money received for same.

Yours truly,

(Sgd.) Mrs. Toshiye Hoshiko

(Reg. No. 12631)


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